Monday 3 August 2015

ICT barriers in South African school ‘My schooling experience’

It is well documented that information and communication technologies play an important role in education and that their use is associated with improving student ICTs offer, there are still many schools in countries like South Africa that do not have access to ICTs or rather have weak technology. Moreover many of the schools that do not have access to ICTs tend to use it in a limited manner and only focus on learning about computers or acquiring ICT skills.

Factors prohibiting the successful integration of ICT in SA schools

The significant first order barrier typically refer to the lack of access to resources that has been cited as one of the main barriers to ICT integration. Resources may either refer to access, access available ICTs, time and technical support.

Another barrier that has been cited is the lack of professional development or teacher training, teachers need to access to multiple types of training where technology and pedagogical needs are addressed.

Children background also has an effect, a child who grew up in a rural area where there’s weak technology can find it hard to understand ICT as a mean of teaching and learning.

Lack of confidence in teachers of which is caused by fear of failure, many teachers who do not consider themselves to be well skilled in ICT feel anxious about using it in front of a class of children.

Lack of competence, many teachers do not put effort in teaching ICT to their learners.

Resistance to change and negative attitude, teachers need not to stick in traditional ways of teaching rather they must be open minded towards new ways of teaching.

Lack of effective training, teachers must take opportunities of teaching ICT offered at schools.

Lack of technical support teachers need to rely on themselves in order to be able to solve problems in their use of ICT.

I also grew up in an area where by technology was very week, in our school only a few learners were allowed to use the computers and access internet those were the learners who did CATS as one of their subject, for the rest you were supposed to pay money in order to do computer studies.


Mpuluzi FET school is situated in Mpumalanga, Ermelo, in a small village called Mayflower the place was named after a white lady called May flower, there is a little population of people residing in the township, and many of them make a living through subsistence farming and a little of commercial farming, there is poor service delivery and economic instability just like in rural areas, some of the sections are still using tribalism and some socialism it is a few kilometers away from Swaziland of which then leads to the domination of Swazi speaking people in the township. The place specialize with agriculture, abet, art, music commercial and subsistence farming and technology though it is a little bit weak there are also some sawmill firms like timber that helps with the provision of jobs. Yet there are a number of schools in the surrounding area of Mayflower town ship.

I started schooling at Mpuluzi FET school in the year 2011, but the school started operating in the year 1976 under principal Lamula, the school has three grades of which is grade 10, 11 and 12.I personally did mylast year in 2013 doing the stream of humanities it included subjects like History, Geography, Tourism, Mathematical Literacy, IsiSwati and English as a first additional language. We as the 2013 Matriculants managed to obtain an average of 99% pass rate due to our dedications and commitments, we had a shortage of teaching resources in the school but still we as learners were determined in passing all our subjects, that is why the school governing body came with the concoct of doing extra classes in order to obtain outstanding results.




In our school we used projectors the most as educational technology, especially in Geography during the cyclones lecture.