Sunday 9 October 2016

Being a caring, responsible, critically reflective and accountable teacher who should 
support learning in diverse educational contexts.

Being a caring teacher means that you support and be patient with learners, learners who have caring relationships with their teacher are academically more successful, they always feel free around their teacher. A caring teacher get to know the learners and the life they live, actively listen to learners, ask for learner’s feedback and more he/she does not corporally punish learners, yell at them without a reason, he/she is more responsible and accountable for anything that involves the learners. Teachers are supposed to support learning in diverse educational contexts do not be racist nor sexist but rather treat learners equally. One needs to have kind love for children and tolerate their behavior failure to do so one will never understand children, like Trunchbull she never gives learners a chance nor she does not understand them totally. Teachers love is like mothers love it is constant, Faithful and unconditional.

Comparing the aggressive displays by Ms Trunchbull, as a teacher you are not allowed to physically or emotionally abuse a learner, grabbing a learner with her hair and hurling her out of the school premises is a serious crime, this shows that there is no care or a little percentage of responsibility and such teachers has to be fired with immediate effects so they don’t exist anywhere in/near the school premises. Trunchbull should have talked to the learner and hear her out or rather talk to her parents than to make this drastic actions, this are the kind of things that distant learners with their educators or rather ruin the relationship between the two, a simple pig tail hairstyle is not a big deal and does not affect learners academic performance anyway, learners end up feeling scared and frustrated and this disturb their academic performance, a scared learner will never find inner  peace, this is more like corporal punishment of which is no longer allowed, Ms Trunchbull’s action is totally unacceptable especially in the teaching profession. Learners are in school to learn and equip themselves with knowledge/education not to be bullied or violated by aggressive teachers who does not know their job description.

Monday 29 August 2016

The unmentioned might of a woman-by Zoeloe

The article is written from a feminist point of view.A man who appreciate woman or woman to woman motivation "I do not think it would be possible for men to thank you".The feminist clearly reveals that even though it seems to be a fact or belief that men are the leaders so woman are behind,but the strength of a woman is as a silent operator which has a great influence.As they say if you want something to be done ask a woman but if you want something to be said ask a men.

Instead of discouraging the might of a woman the feminist rather emerges the important values of a woman."You stand behind me not because you are afraid to stand on your own,but because you understand that strength can only be found from stability and stability from a partnership.."The author also feels that woman are Superior over man regarding the words or letters that form their names"you are a woman" "men".
The feminist feels that woman needs to be celebrated everyday.He also states that woman can express their feelings straight away rather that men.Some man sees their woman or wives as house wives who deserve to suffer from domestic violence but the feminist in this article sees woman as rocks and mountains, they are naturally strong and wise.

I agree with the writer's portrayal of man in the article.It is a fact that man can hide their feelings and then after mistakenly identify that as power,where else it becomes a problem when it haunts them back.Most men believes in 'boys don't cry' 'only sissies get hurt feelings' 'it is a sign of weakness if you let people know you are hurting' of which this reveals that they are practically controlled by nature they can't stand for the truth,they are concerned with what people say,where else woman can stand and express their feelings without fear.

I find the writer's style of writing effective because it is equipped with reasons ,arguments and justifications.In this piece of writing the feminist  take a stand.He uses first persona represented by 'I'.Short sentences and formal language is used.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Weblogs as an emerging genre in higher education
A weblog, sometimes written as web log or Weblog, is a Web site that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated on frequently with new information about particular topics said (Margaret Rouse). The information can be written by the site owner, gleaned from other Web sites or other sources, or contributed by users. Blogs serves as means of communication or a mode of expression. It allows people to interact through words. In blogs people can debate under a certain topic or theme. Or rather can engage and comment or raise their own opinions in a piece of writing. It serves as a free way of raising your own views, people write what they think at any time. Web blogs are very vital and prestigious when it comes to acquiring knowledge and improving writing skills, because the more you blog the more you encounter new information and new words. Before blogging it is very important to research under the theme or topic you want to write about, as other bloggers has the right to be polemic and critique to ones writing because that serves as a mean of commutation through the internet web so your piece writing must be liable. Recently blogs are used by many people as informational or discussion sites other than long ago. Either a group or a single person can have a blog.
According to the author (Jo Ann Oravec) weblogs emerged in the past decades as an internet application genre, providing a platform for the development of critical, individual voices within the context of internet resources. Weblog consumptions has become increasingly popular in higher education context as individuals seek was to locate a content of quality and relevance to particular topic or themes. Weblogs helps to reveal and reduce plagiarism issues. It is valuable for students because it provides information easily and it is easily accessible. Students get the opportunity to voice out their opinions and to research. Weblogs production and consumption can help students place the various emerging hypertext variations with older media in the broader context of “media ecology”. Experimentation with and discourse on weblogs can also stimulate student interest in larger notions of the social construction of information as well as presentation of self(and perhaps also make plagiarism less attractive)as students explicitly link to each other’s works in a format that fosters currency, individuality, and critical commentary. Weblogs construction involves chronological, interpersonal, and reflective components that can increase the recognition of the situatedness of hyperlinks.

Since I was introduced to blogging I gained the desire to research, search for news updates that are linked to my academics. I see blogging as an easy way to communicate and share ideas, to gain the skill of evaluating, critique and accessing. Weblogs can groom or nature a greater writer in a person as we encounter different writing strategies and new words written by different people as a matter of fact people have got their own writing format. Blogging also helped me to Stay Active or Knowledgeable in a Field or Topic, people are introducing new and different topics now and then and also blogging makes me to have fun and to be creative as many people join blogging to read the news feeds where ideas are pitched by many people or rather to have fun.

I think the effective use of blogs can be improved if the educators introduce it as a way of submitting assignments and sharing of lecture slides. This will motivate students to stay online and use their weblogs effectively and timelessly. Asking students to contribute in blogs by posting weekly for marks. Weblog is technology this is more like introducing technology in class of which is very fun. Lastly opening debate groups via blog where student can engage by uttering their opinions about a topic or a theme that is presented.



Thursday 11 August 2016

Unit 1.2 .11/08/16

Reflection on service learning

Service learning is an educational experience that is meant to benefit and meet identified community needs. It is part of what learners do in order to gain educational experience,in all it is a part of the teaching profession.Service learning help students to gather/gain knowledge on what people in the community needs.Both the students and the community work hand in gloves to meet the required needs,in the previous year we hosted a Mareleng school carnival day as part of our service learning where the children were involved in different activities pertaining their physical education of which intergrates with life skills subject.

At first we had to plan what to do on the carnival day,groups came up different ideas and activities that were suitable for the children most importantly we were told that a host must never allow boredom to strike the people hosted a lot of games were played,students had the oppotunity to engage with learners at different intervals. I learned that it takes the whole community to raise a soul,new ways of teaching physical education were mastered,now I know the games suitable for different age groups.Teachers had fun nor the children.Some of the games portable aids were taken to Mareleng by the Mareleng teachers so they can re-use them when teaching .A lot of planning was done to ensure that everything run smoothely.We had to pitch our idears first before the practical day.Under the topic service learning we learned that reflection is very important for a student teacher,we also learned different types of reflection or rather the elements of reflection.

Monday 3 August 2015

ICT barriers in South African school ‘My schooling experience’

It is well documented that information and communication technologies play an important role in education and that their use is associated with improving student ICTs offer, there are still many schools in countries like South Africa that do not have access to ICTs or rather have weak technology. Moreover many of the schools that do not have access to ICTs tend to use it in a limited manner and only focus on learning about computers or acquiring ICT skills.

Factors prohibiting the successful integration of ICT in SA schools

The significant first order barrier typically refer to the lack of access to resources that has been cited as one of the main barriers to ICT integration. Resources may either refer to access, access available ICTs, time and technical support.

Another barrier that has been cited is the lack of professional development or teacher training, teachers need to access to multiple types of training where technology and pedagogical needs are addressed.

Children background also has an effect, a child who grew up in a rural area where there’s weak technology can find it hard to understand ICT as a mean of teaching and learning.

Lack of confidence in teachers of which is caused by fear of failure, many teachers who do not consider themselves to be well skilled in ICT feel anxious about using it in front of a class of children.

Lack of competence, many teachers do not put effort in teaching ICT to their learners.

Resistance to change and negative attitude, teachers need not to stick in traditional ways of teaching rather they must be open minded towards new ways of teaching.

Lack of effective training, teachers must take opportunities of teaching ICT offered at schools.

Lack of technical support teachers need to rely on themselves in order to be able to solve problems in their use of ICT.

I also grew up in an area where by technology was very week, in our school only a few learners were allowed to use the computers and access internet those were the learners who did CATS as one of their subject, for the rest you were supposed to pay money in order to do computer studies.


Mpuluzi FET school is situated in Mpumalanga, Ermelo, in a small village called Mayflower the place was named after a white lady called May flower, there is a little population of people residing in the township, and many of them make a living through subsistence farming and a little of commercial farming, there is poor service delivery and economic instability just like in rural areas, some of the sections are still using tribalism and some socialism it is a few kilometers away from Swaziland of which then leads to the domination of Swazi speaking people in the township. The place specialize with agriculture, abet, art, music commercial and subsistence farming and technology though it is a little bit weak there are also some sawmill firms like timber that helps with the provision of jobs. Yet there are a number of schools in the surrounding area of Mayflower town ship.

I started schooling at Mpuluzi FET school in the year 2011, but the school started operating in the year 1976 under principal Lamula, the school has three grades of which is grade 10, 11 and 12.I personally did mylast year in 2013 doing the stream of humanities it included subjects like History, Geography, Tourism, Mathematical Literacy, IsiSwati and English as a first additional language. We as the 2013 Matriculants managed to obtain an average of 99% pass rate due to our dedications and commitments, we had a shortage of teaching resources in the school but still we as learners were determined in passing all our subjects, that is why the school governing body came with the concoct of doing extra classes in order to obtain outstanding results.




In our school we used projectors the most as educational technology, especially in Geography during the cyclones lecture.